we're all settled in Ontario (photos of the new studio coming soon, and more about the move later -) and got a chance to explore a bit. went to a sustainable building lecture today at
eco-inhabitat, which is a cute eco-store in a renovated barn in Meaford, with
Josh Thornton, an natural building expert in the area. i really enjoyed his talk, and similar to the presentation from
Sirewall (rammed earth home builders on salt spring island), i love their holistic approach to building, to life, and our habits and patterns of consumption, the simplicity and grace of our ancestors' way of life (from a mere century ago) and how feasible it is for us to build a sustainable life for ourselves.
and i'm feeling super energized to continue to create a holistic, sustainable life and community, and grateful that there are so many like minded people out there who have helped paved the way for us, and generous in sharing their knowledge.
also picked up a LifeFactory silicone teether from
eco-inhabitat for my niece n_n
ahh.. here's a teaser photo of my summer office:
(see? my cell phone is there! i was really working!!... okay i had go to back inside shortly after this photo because of my allergies and there were too many black flies and deer flies munching on my skin)-