it's a beautiful thing - planet claire fashion show!!

we had a blast at Planet Claire's fashion show last night!! Claire threw on the most rock'n-shock'n knock your socks off party!! Our pieces were show along side with some of many local eco designers including Project Runway Sweetheart Carny Love!!

here's a couple shots from the show!

many thanks to stanley lau for the photos! more here.
and check out Planet Claire at 212 Abbot Street in Vancouver!! local designers, sustainable fashions, size 2 to 22!!



OMG OMG OMG i just got a message on facebook from my friend stephanie - who is a garbage princess warrior check out her website here: (she's known for her dumpster diving expeditions, wearing mis-matched socks, and being super quirky cute ^_^)... oh back to the point of the blog post (more about steph later ;p):

we are totally surprised + happy + animals jumping up and down in excitement to be in treehugger's "20 Green Fashion Designers You've Never Heard of (But Oh You Will)" slide show!! we are truely truely humbled to be featured alongside with some of the world's most amazing eco-designers, some of which have been my favs for long time ♡

did you know that treehugger has been my home page for more than 5 years? srlsy!! love them!!

now please excuse me while i jump up and down with the cats and dog in happiness.


paulo, you never told me...

i just stumbled across this while procrastinating!! vancouver stylist paulo vallejo incorporated our cute squirrel tube top in one of his shoots!! check out his blog here.